Our Approach
Our cybersecurity strategy emphasizes mitigating cyber risk exposure and continuous improvement of cyber defense and resilience capabilities.
Peabody’s cybersecurity strategy emphasizes:
• Proactive management of cyber risk to ensure compliance with contractual, legal and regulatory requirements;
• Performing due diligence on third parties to ensure they have sound cybersecurity practices;
• Ensuring essential business services remain available during a business disruption;
• Implementing data policies and standards to protect sensitive company information; and
• Exercising cyber incident response plans and risk mitigation strategies to address potential incidents should they occur.
Cybersecurity is a significant pillar of risk management at Peabody.
The Board maintains direct oversight over cybersecurity risks and oversees an enterprise-wide approach to risk management, designed to support the achievement of organizational objectives to enhance long-term performance and stockholder value. The Board, as a whole, and through its committees, is responsible for the oversight of risk management and Peabody’s management is responsible for the day-to-day management of the risks the Company faces. Senior leadership, including Peabody’s Chief Information Security Officer, regularly briefs the Board on cybersecurity matters and the Board is informed of cybersecurity incidents deemed to have a moderate or higher business impact, even if such incidents are determined to be immaterial, on an ongoing basis.